Hello my name is Danalache Adrian , i’m 18 years old and I go to the High School ,, Viaceslav Harnaj ’’ in Bucharest. I currentely reside in the schools boarding school. My home is far away allmost at the other side of the country, it takes about 9 hours worth of distance by the train from where I living now to my home. You could say I’m a simple guy doing what other adolescent kids do these days, for example clubs, computers especialy games, and having fun. Living with other 3 room mates is prety hard at some times, especialy when we dont agree on stuff. I lived on my own since i was 14, only going home on breaks and holidays. In my years living in boarding schools I’ve learned out of necesities a few things, like cooking, my room mates call me the ,, Chief ’’, and that u need to sort out your priorities to get ahead. I’m not that in to sports, I used to like football when i was younger but now I barely watch it . Instead when i get the time i watch Wrestling , now this sport is more about the show than the competition. I used to listen to a lot of music before, but now im not in to it that much. I used and still listen when i can Eminem, Linkin Park and some romanian artists like Puya and Parazitii. For me is not about one genre or 2 of music its about the song, if I like it I listen to it. I spend my free time with my friends, we especialy like to play pool, or with my girlfriend, we like to go to karaoke clubs, stand up comedy clubs, walks through the park and stuff like that. People say that i have potential but dont realise it, well i guess its true. But like one of our writers said if you’re dumb your happy, if you’re smart ur sad, I prefer to be dumb and happy instead of the later. If all of us where smart and sad we would have a problem. Well that’s about it i guess this is me in writing.
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