Between 03rd – 8th May 2010 took place the second project meeting in Portugal. More than 45 teachers and students from all the partner institutions attended the meeting and we all were warm welcomed by the Portuguese team.
A group of 2 teachers and 6 students from Colegiul Agricol Viaceslav Harnaj attended this meeting, there were many activities like: getting to know each other with the Portuguese staffs, students and local community. All our students were involved in many interesting activities and nice games organized by the host school. Students also participated to some sport events( football, netball, basketball). During the meeting many power point presentation were displayed ( fashion, music, dances, sports)
On Friday evening we had a common fashion show were all countries showed their own clothes( modern, casual, traditional popular costumes) and they dances and sang different traditional songs. We also enjoyed many fieldstrips and we had the chance to see many beautiful places( museums, castles, the ocean, famous cities). This experience was an excellent chance for our teachers and students to develop new friendships, to develop their language skills and aware them about the different cultures, educational systems, way of living

In perioada 03- 08 May 2010 a avut loc a 2-a reuniune de proiect in Portugalia. Peste 45 de profesori si elevi din cadrul institutiilor partenere au luat parte la aceasta reuniune si cu totii am fost intampinati cu caldura de echipa portugheza.
Un grup de 2 profesori si 6 elevi din cadrul Colegiului Agricol Viaceslav Harnaj au participat la intalnire. Pe parcursul intregii perioade au fost organizate multe activitati, precum: am facut cunoastiinta cu staff-ul portughez, cu elevii si comunitatea locala din Portugalia. Toti elevii au fost implicati in diverse activitati si jocuri interactive, organizate de scoala gazda. Elevii au participat de asemenea la niste evenimente sportive9 fotbal, tenis, baschet). Pe parcursul intalnirii au fost prezentate multe prezentari power point, realizate de elevi cu teme precum moda, muzica, sportul, dansuri
Vineri 07 Mai s-a realizat un spectacol de moda comun, unde toate institutiile partenere si-au etalat propriile haine ( moderne, haine obisnuite in randul adolescentilor, costume populare traditionale), au dansat dansuri traditionale si au interpretat melodii specifice fiecarei.
De asemenea ne-am bucurat de multe excursii si am avut extraordinara sansa sa vadem multe locuri frumoase( muzee, castele, oceanul, orase faimoase)
Pentru noi echipa romana, cat si pentru toti cei prezenti la intalnire aceasta experienta a reprezentat o sansa excelenta sa dezvoltam noi prietenii, sa ne dezvoltam abilitatile lingvistice. Am devenit mult mai constienti de diferitele culturi existente in Europa, am cunoscut alte sisteme educationale si moduri diferite de trai.