soon our students will meet the persons whose jobs they admire for a short interview
here are some examples
1.Hello.I`m Alexandra.First question sounds like did you get to think about career air hostess?
2.What studies,had to follow to get where you want?
3.As in any profession,are the risks,how about flight attendants which would be the most important frequent?
4.What would be the salary of flight attendants?
5.What is the minimum and maximum age to practice?
6.In youy free time,what did you do to relax?
7.What are the benefits in this job,besides the monetary?
8.There is a risk that after you complete the necessary studies can not be employed?
9.What are the standards by which candidates are selected?
10.You must be a certain height,weight?
11.Do you think that is a job for the future?
12.Have you ever had a bad accident ori experience during a flight?That would be why..?
13.I think it`s enought.That`s all.Thank you for you time.Have a nice day,b`bye !
1.Buna ziua,numele meu este Alexandra.Prima intrebare suna in felul urmator,cum ati inceput sa va ganditi la cariera de stewardesa?
2.Ce studii a trebuit sa urmati pentru a ajunge unde v-ati dorit?
3.Ca in orice profesie,sunt riscuri,cat despre stewardese care ar fii cele mai importante si frecvente?
4.Care ar putea fii salariul unei stewardese?
5.Care este varsta minima si cea maxima pentru a profesa?
6.In timpul dvs liber,ce faceti pentru a va relaxa?
7.Care ar fii beneficiile acestei meserii,pe langa cel banesc?
8.Exista riscul ca dupa ce termini stufiile necesare sa nu poti fii angajat?
9.Care sunt standardele dupa care candidatii sunt selectati?
10.Trebuie sa ai o anumita inaltime,greutate?
11.Credeti k este o meserie de viitor?
12.Ati avut vreun accident sau experienta neplacuta pe timpul unui zbor?Care ar fii acela?
13.Cred ca este destul.Asta este tot.Multumesc pentru timpul dvs acordat.O zii buna.La revedere.!
1.In ce constă meseria dumneavoastra?
1.what does your job consist of?
2.Se plateste bine?
2.Does your job pays well?
3.Aveti in grija flori ?Daca da ,acestea sunt greu de ingrijit
3.Do you have flowers in your care?If so ,are they hard to maintain?
4.Flori, sa le spunem speciale, aveti in grija?
4.Do you have,lets say ,special flowers in your care?
5.Ce alte plante aveti in grija?
5.What other plants you have to care?
6.De cat timp sunteti angajat?
6.Since when are you employed here?
7.Ce cunostinte ar trebui sa aiba cineva pentru a se angaja in acest post?
7.What knowledge should someone have to employ at this job?
8.Ce inseamna Horticultura?
8.What does Horticulture means?
9.Pana la ce varsta se poate lucra in acest domeniu?
9.Until what age someone can work in this domain?
10.Mediul de lucru este placut?
10.Is the work enviroment pleasant?
11.Acest servici cere o cantitate mare de timp?
11.This job requires a large amount of time?
12.Daca ati putea sa o luati de la inceput ati alege sa faceti aceeasi scoala,slujba?
12.If you could start over again would you choose the same thing,same school same job?
1. Cum va numiti?
2. Aveti animale?
3. De cat timp lucrati in acest domeniu?
4. Ce va determinat sa alegeti aceasta meserie?
5. Facultatea pe care a-ti urmat-o a fost dificila?
6. Aveti in familia dumneavoastra medici veterinari?
7. Cand v-ati dat seama ca doriti sa va faceti medic veterinar?
8. Este o meserie motivanta din punct de vedere al banilor?
9. Care sunt riscurile acestei meserii?
10. Care a fost cea mai dificila experienta?
11. Care sunt beneficiile acestei meserii?
12. Ce parere aveti despre folosirea acupunturii in medicina veterinara?
13. Ce parere aveti despre experientele care se fac pe animale?
14. Credeti ca in Romania sunt suficienti medici veterinari?
15. Ce sfat le-ati da celor care vor sa practice aceasta meserie?
vineri, 19 noiembrie 2010
Noi elevi s-au alaturat celui de-al doilea an de proiect/New students joined the second project year
Hello everyone ! I`m Alexandra,i am 18 years old, i`m in 11th grade,i`m the kind of person who openly communicate with anyone,i`m very friendly,i like to always make friends,to meet new people.I am the only child in my family,i have nice and friendly parents.They are the kind of parents that every child,in my opinion,would like to have.In my spare time,i try to relax as much as possible to upload my batteries for the days ahead ans i feel as good i can with people i like to live beside.As my hobby is also..a dream..dream rather make efforts to become a stewardess..since now i can fulfill this desire..I wish i will succeed !
I think this project will influence my life,this project make me think better about what i want to do in the future and what options i have for my career and more !
Hello there.My name is Serban Calin I am 15 years old and I currently study at Viaceslav Harnaj college.Im not very sociable(you would not believe that if you saw me) and I am (my worst habit) a games addict.Since i do not have too many subjects about me this will go quite fast.I am more of a rap man i like several romanian artists like Spike, Bitza,Parazitii.My least favourite artists (if I can call them artists) are the (well there is no english word for that soo) manele artists.Even though some of (well the most of them) my classmates listen them.What else?? Oh I have blonde hair and brown eyes.I dont really like to do homework but I have to.Saturday and Sunday i go to a martial arts class (more exactly aikido).I have been going now for over 6 years and it is well not fun but lets say an escapade from the daily routine.I dont have so much favourite movies there were only about two or three. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Puppet Master Axis of Evil and Final Fantasy VII(this one is pretty cool I reccomend it).Last but not the least my most favourite game is ....^^.....(wouldnt be that hard to guess for some of you) Starcraft II.Thats it for me.See ya(if i get choosed)as soon as possible
A short description about me.
Hi ! My name is Mincu Rebecca. I’m 16 years old and I am a student at ,,Viaceslav Harnaj” High School in 10th grade. I was born in Belgium Leuven , but now I live in Romania Bucharest with my parents and my brother he has 25 years old. Something that can I say about me is that I’m a friendly person who likes to give good advice and discover new things. In my free time I like to go outside with my friends, I love to do shopping, I like to watch movies and my favorite movies are ‘’ A walk to remember” and ‘’ Twilight’’. I love to read books because are very interesting and also my favorite book is ,,Jane Eyre” by CharlotteBronte. I like to listen music and my favorite singers are: Eliza Doolitle ,Chris Brown, One Republic , Sia , Bruno Mars , Jonas
Brothers, Metro Station. My ambition for the future is to become a veterinarian.
I think this project will influence my life,this project make me think better about what i want to do in the future and what options i have for my career and more !
Hello there.My name is Serban Calin I am 15 years old and I currently study at Viaceslav Harnaj college.Im not very sociable(you would not believe that if you saw me) and I am (my worst habit) a games addict.Since i do not have too many subjects about me this will go quite fast.I am more of a rap man i like several romanian artists like Spike, Bitza,Parazitii.My least favourite artists (if I can call them artists) are the (well there is no english word for that soo) manele artists.Even though some of (well the most of them) my classmates listen them.What else?? Oh I have blonde hair and brown eyes.I dont really like to do homework but I have to.Saturday and Sunday i go to a martial arts class (more exactly aikido).I have been going now for over 6 years and it is well not fun but lets say an escapade from the daily routine.I dont have so much favourite movies there were only about two or three. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Puppet Master Axis of Evil and Final Fantasy VII(this one is pretty cool I reccomend it).Last but not the least my most favourite game is ....^^.....(wouldnt be that hard to guess for some of you) Starcraft II.Thats it for me.See ya(if i get choosed)as soon as possible
A short description about me.
Hi ! My name is Mincu Rebecca. I’m 16 years old and I am a student at ,,Viaceslav Harnaj” High School in 10th grade. I was born in Belgium Leuven , but now I live in Romania Bucharest with my parents and my brother he has 25 years old. Something that can I say about me is that I’m a friendly person who likes to give good advice and discover new things. In my free time I like to go outside with my friends, I love to do shopping, I like to watch movies and my favorite movies are ‘’ A walk to remember” and ‘’ Twilight’’. I love to read books because are very interesting and also my favorite book is ,,Jane Eyre” by CharlotteBronte. I like to listen music and my favorite singers are: Eliza Doolitle ,Chris Brown, One Republic , Sia , Bruno Mars , Jonas
Brothers, Metro Station. My ambition for the future is to become a veterinarian.
Impressions after our meeting in Norway
Norway – Duhan Razvan Mihai
Norway … Norway , my heart is still in Norway … :D Such a beautiful country , green fields , nice people and fresh air… Mountains and fjords. What more can you want?
In my opinion , the project meeting was the best in Norway , now I don’t know anything about the other ones but this one captured my heart. The teachers and the students did a very good job , and made sure we ( the foreign students ) had a very nice time. The trips combined with the school activities made our stay very interesting and never to get bored of. My personal schedule was FULL , my host made sure my spare time was full of fun. I met 2 great families as I got the opportunity to stay at 2 friends.
And no , for those who ask … Norway is not that cold It’s just the best !
My impression about the project and my visit in Norway
My impression about project is very good.
I think that this project helps us to interact with other persons from another countries and their cultures. The visit to Norway, I liked it because I had the chance to see the students, the teachers and the school.... I could see many beautiful places such as Sveio, Bergen and Haugesund.I visited the school and the most interesting experience was that, I had the opportunity to stay at home to a Norwegian student, where I could meet here a nice family and I could interact with them.
We joined a lot of activities which were very nice :D The most interesting and enjoyable activity, was that when I went home to Mary, where I saw a scary movie and I had the opportunity to speak and know all students from all countries participating in the project.
The project "What we are what we hope we will be" represents a great chance for knowledge development and speaking English The visit to Norway was a beautiful and enjoyable experience from which I learned a lot of things and I made many friends .
Norway … Norway , my heart is still in Norway … :D Such a beautiful country , green fields , nice people and fresh air… Mountains and fjords. What more can you want?
In my opinion , the project meeting was the best in Norway , now I don’t know anything about the other ones but this one captured my heart. The teachers and the students did a very good job , and made sure we ( the foreign students ) had a very nice time. The trips combined with the school activities made our stay very interesting and never to get bored of. My personal schedule was FULL , my host made sure my spare time was full of fun. I met 2 great families as I got the opportunity to stay at 2 friends.
And no , for those who ask … Norway is not that cold It’s just the best !
My impression about the project and my visit in Norway
My impression about project is very good.
I think that this project helps us to interact with other persons from another countries and their cultures. The visit to Norway, I liked it because I had the chance to see the students, the teachers and the school.... I could see many beautiful places such as Sveio, Bergen and Haugesund.I visited the school and the most interesting experience was that, I had the opportunity to stay at home to a Norwegian student, where I could meet here a nice family and I could interact with them.
We joined a lot of activities which were very nice :D The most interesting and enjoyable activity, was that when I went home to Mary, where I saw a scary movie and I had the opportunity to speak and know all students from all countries participating in the project.
The project "What we are what we hope we will be" represents a great chance for knowledge development and speaking English The visit to Norway was a beautiful and enjoyable experience from which I learned a lot of things and I made many friends .
miercuri, 6 octombrie 2010
The third meeting in Norway
This was our third meeting in Norway. It was a great experience for the entire Comenius group and we have to say : Thank You Hogne and Torgeir

Our big group

our friends from hungary and Turkey

students paddling

Dancing traditional dances with students from Norway

Between 27th September and 3rd October 2010 we had our third project meeting in Norway. Many beautiful things happened during the visit and for this we have to thank to our host from Norway. we had many presentations about free time activities, about future wanted jobs and our students were excellent. we would like to exhibit here some photos from our extraordinary experience. we had a lot of interesting activities, our students had the chance to compare different ways of living, they could practice many sports like paddling, naavigating on the sea,climbing mountains.

Our big group

our friends from hungary and Turkey

students paddling

Dancing traditional dances with students from Norway

Between 27th September and 3rd October 2010 we had our third project meeting in Norway. Many beautiful things happened during the visit and for this we have to thank to our host from Norway. we had many presentations about free time activities, about future wanted jobs and our students were excellent. we would like to exhibit here some photos from our extraordinary experience. we had a lot of interesting activities, our students had the chance to compare different ways of living, they could practice many sports like paddling, naavigating on the sea,climbing mountains.
marți, 18 mai 2010
Ziua Comenius/Comenius day 20 Mai 2010
Ziua Comenius a avut ca scop impartasirea tuturor materialelor realizate in primul an de proiect. Am incercat ca prin aceasta zi Comenius sa atragem cati mai multi elevi si sa ii implicam in toate activitatile de proiect

In ziua de 20 Mai in cadrul Colegiului Viaceslav Harnaj are loc Ziua Comenius, activitate destinata diseminarii activitatilor proiectului Comenius. La aceasta Manifestare avem ca invitati toate cadrele didactice din colegiu, elevii, parinti, membri ai inspectoratului, cadrele didactice din scolile invecinate.

In ziua de 20 Mai in cadrul Colegiului Viaceslav Harnaj are loc Ziua Comenius, activitate destinata diseminarii activitatilor proiectului Comenius. La aceasta Manifestare avem ca invitati toate cadrele didactice din colegiu, elevii, parinti, membri ai inspectoratului, cadrele didactice din scolile invecinate.
Project meeting in Portugal
Between 03rd – 8th May 2010 took place the second project meeting in Portugal. More than 45 teachers and students from all the partner institutions attended the meeting and we all were warm welcomed by the Portuguese team.
A group of 2 teachers and 6 students from Colegiul Agricol Viaceslav Harnaj attended this meeting, there were many activities like: getting to know each other with the Portuguese staffs, students and local community. All our students were involved in many interesting activities and nice games organized by the host school. Students also participated to some sport events( football, netball, basketball). During the meeting many power point presentation were displayed ( fashion, music, dances, sports)
On Friday evening we had a common fashion show were all countries showed their own clothes( modern, casual, traditional popular costumes) and they dances and sang different traditional songs. We also enjoyed many fieldstrips and we had the chance to see many beautiful places( museums, castles, the ocean, famous cities). This experience was an excellent chance for our teachers and students to develop new friendships, to develop their language skills and aware them about the different cultures, educational systems, way of living

In perioada 03- 08 May 2010 a avut loc a 2-a reuniune de proiect in Portugalia. Peste 45 de profesori si elevi din cadrul institutiilor partenere au luat parte la aceasta reuniune si cu totii am fost intampinati cu caldura de echipa portugheza.
Un grup de 2 profesori si 6 elevi din cadrul Colegiului Agricol Viaceslav Harnaj au participat la intalnire. Pe parcursul intregii perioade au fost organizate multe activitati, precum: am facut cunoastiinta cu staff-ul portughez, cu elevii si comunitatea locala din Portugalia. Toti elevii au fost implicati in diverse activitati si jocuri interactive, organizate de scoala gazda. Elevii au participat de asemenea la niste evenimente sportive9 fotbal, tenis, baschet). Pe parcursul intalnirii au fost prezentate multe prezentari power point, realizate de elevi cu teme precum moda, muzica, sportul, dansuri
Vineri 07 Mai s-a realizat un spectacol de moda comun, unde toate institutiile partenere si-au etalat propriile haine ( moderne, haine obisnuite in randul adolescentilor, costume populare traditionale), au dansat dansuri traditionale si au interpretat melodii specifice fiecarei.
De asemenea ne-am bucurat de multe excursii si am avut extraordinara sansa sa vadem multe locuri frumoase( muzee, castele, oceanul, orase faimoase)
Pentru noi echipa romana, cat si pentru toti cei prezenti la intalnire aceasta experienta a reprezentat o sansa excelenta sa dezvoltam noi prietenii, sa ne dezvoltam abilitatile lingvistice. Am devenit mult mai constienti de diferitele culturi existente in Europa, am cunoscut alte sisteme educationale si moduri diferite de trai.
A group of 2 teachers and 6 students from Colegiul Agricol Viaceslav Harnaj attended this meeting, there were many activities like: getting to know each other with the Portuguese staffs, students and local community. All our students were involved in many interesting activities and nice games organized by the host school. Students also participated to some sport events( football, netball, basketball). During the meeting many power point presentation were displayed ( fashion, music, dances, sports)
On Friday evening we had a common fashion show were all countries showed their own clothes( modern, casual, traditional popular costumes) and they dances and sang different traditional songs. We also enjoyed many fieldstrips and we had the chance to see many beautiful places( museums, castles, the ocean, famous cities). This experience was an excellent chance for our teachers and students to develop new friendships, to develop their language skills and aware them about the different cultures, educational systems, way of living

In perioada 03- 08 May 2010 a avut loc a 2-a reuniune de proiect in Portugalia. Peste 45 de profesori si elevi din cadrul institutiilor partenere au luat parte la aceasta reuniune si cu totii am fost intampinati cu caldura de echipa portugheza.
Un grup de 2 profesori si 6 elevi din cadrul Colegiului Agricol Viaceslav Harnaj au participat la intalnire. Pe parcursul intregii perioade au fost organizate multe activitati, precum: am facut cunoastiinta cu staff-ul portughez, cu elevii si comunitatea locala din Portugalia. Toti elevii au fost implicati in diverse activitati si jocuri interactive, organizate de scoala gazda. Elevii au participat de asemenea la niste evenimente sportive9 fotbal, tenis, baschet). Pe parcursul intalnirii au fost prezentate multe prezentari power point, realizate de elevi cu teme precum moda, muzica, sportul, dansuri
Vineri 07 Mai s-a realizat un spectacol de moda comun, unde toate institutiile partenere si-au etalat propriile haine ( moderne, haine obisnuite in randul adolescentilor, costume populare traditionale), au dansat dansuri traditionale si au interpretat melodii specifice fiecarei.
De asemenea ne-am bucurat de multe excursii si am avut extraordinara sansa sa vadem multe locuri frumoase( muzee, castele, oceanul, orase faimoase)
Pentru noi echipa romana, cat si pentru toti cei prezenti la intalnire aceasta experienta a reprezentat o sansa excelenta sa dezvoltam noi prietenii, sa ne dezvoltam abilitatile lingvistice. Am devenit mult mai constienti de diferitele culturi existente in Europa, am cunoscut alte sisteme educationale si moduri diferite de trai.
miercuri, 28 aprilie 2010
marți, 20 aprilie 2010
Prezentare power point despre proiect
Va informam ca in data de 22 Aprilie 2010, ora 10 are loc Simpozionul Naţional „Dimensiunea europeană a educaţiei”, ediţia a III-a, având ca temă „Participarea şcolilor româneşti la proiectele educaţionale internaţionale”, in incinta Scolii cu clasele I- VIII, nr 45, Titu Maiorescu.
Colegiul Agricol Viaceslav Harnaj a pregatit o prezentare power point cu tema proiectului( what we are what we hope we will be, prezentare care va fi prezentata tuturor celor prezenti la simpozion
Colegiul Agricol Viaceslav Harnaj a pregatit o prezentare power point cu tema proiectului( what we are what we hope we will be, prezentare care va fi prezentata tuturor celor prezenti la simpozion
marți, 30 martie 2010
Fashion show in our school
Dear all we inform you that in our school has taken place a nice fashion show where our students had to present some of their casual, office, elegant, sport and popular suits. All our staffs, many of our students were at the fashion show.
In the following we present you some photos from the show, please enjoy them

In the following we present you some photos from the show, please enjoy them

duminică, 21 martie 2010
marți, 9 martie 2010
duminică, 28 februarie 2010
duminică, 14 februarie 2010
vineri, 29 ianuarie 2010
Newsletter with photos about the activities of our project

Newsletter with photos about our project: „What we are what we hope we will be”
Starting with 1st October 2009 to June 2011 Colegiul Agricol Viaceslav Harnaj from Bucharest develops the project Comenius 1 „ What we are what we hope we will be” from the Lifelong Learning Programme. In the project 7 European countries take part: Coordinator( Hungary) and the partners(Romania, Turkey, Norway, Portugal, Bulgaria and Italy).
Starting with 1st October 2009 we realised in our school a Comenius Corner were we can exhibit all information and materials during the project.
Between 24.10.2009- 30.10.2009 in Bucharest took place the first project meeting. At the meeting participated 20 teachers and students from the participating schools. Our team( The headmasters: Felicia Stroe and Radu Gherghe, the responsible of the project: Raluca Calina, the teacher: Luisa Alexandrescu and our students) welcomed the participants at our school. During the meeting there were many activities like:
• Getting to know each other, the Romanian staffs and students with the participants from the other schools. Discussing some differences between different educational systems, visiting the school.
• All the participants presented some power point presentations showing our schools, countries and we had the chance to see the differences between our school , country and the other European countries.
• Our students made some shorts films about their daily routine and everyone enjoyed them.
• There were made some small groups of students who had to care the particioants during their visit in the school and to field trips.
During the visit we discussed how to create a common blog for all counties where we all can exhibit the project materials, we discussed what information must be included on the blogs, what style we should use, we shared different responsabilities about the future activities. We all decided the date of the following project meeting where would go 8 members of our team( Headmaster Felicia Stroe, Responsabil proiect: Raluca Calina, and the students: Troanca Ana Maria, Leonard Geanta, Adrian Lascu, Adrian Danalache, Roxana Dinca and Daniela Neagu)
Our guests had the opportunity to see and discover our town Bucharest and also some of our best know atractions ( Peles Castle and Bran Castle).
After the meeting all the partners have created one blog for each institution
Below you can see the site of the common blog of the project:
and the blog for our college,
We created questionnaires based on the topic of the project, distributed them to the students and creted diagrams.
The language used at the meeting was English.
Thanks for all it was a great experience for everyone involved in the project.
Director: Felicia Stroe
Responsible for the project: Raluca Calina
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